Protecting the Illusion of American 'Democracy'
--  working draft  --

  Democracy is dead, and has been for decades... some say it ended with the assassination of JKF in the 60's, others think it was earlier still.  Those who proclaim to be defenders of democracy, those who proclaim to be protecting democracy are protecting the biggest state-secret of our generation, that American 'democracy' is nothing but an illusion.  The perpetuated distortion of reality that our Constitutional Republic is actually governed by those whom are accurately elected into office is the joke of our lifetime.  The fact that American voters have exceedingly little to do with how our country is governed is the best kept secret of Washington insiders, it's the insiders and the big doners that call the shots. The act of voting has been reduced to a hit of crack that satisfies our ignorant bliss until the next election season, and politics/legacy-media consumption is the ultimate spectator sport in the internet-age.
  Politics is nothing but team sports, complete with an unhealthy number of insane fanatics triggered by the diarrhea squirted out by the PR firms that manage their favorite team; and the nauseating nastiness that spews from the mouths of media mocking-birds.  In the years leading up to the 2020 election I became particularly engrossed in the various aspects of psychological warfare/manipulation.  The multiple efforts to divide based on everything from race, vaccine status, political affiliation, religion, economic status... that was an awful lot of emotional pollution that I consumed during the days where I made the transition from unemployment beginning at covid's infancy, to a disability-driven retiree of sorts.  That's right, I was now home all day, and a political junkie with cable-tv... the perfect storm.