Look, this is just a blog.  I write with little regard for proper technique, or rules of grammar... i'm basically an untrained novice writer who started blogging as a form of therapy once the covid-era began, and my livelihood changed forever... i split up this web-site to have a section geared toward my political opinions and complaints, and another one for my philosophical and religious opinions, but this page is just the blog part... with that said--I write for my own mental-health, as history for my family, and for anyone else that cares to read... i like to consume information, process it for a bit, and regurgitate while connecting some useful patterns... and, i complain a lot, too... the Reader should understand that i'm a world-class complainer... respectfully yours, chris.

 July 2024
  07-26-24:  had a lazy, yet productive day... finished a few projects, and spent time with the HVAC guy that the landlady contracted to clean the furnace.  Also took a little nap, and chilled/relaxed with the aid of the Rx that the Urgent Care guy prescribed.  On my third long-format podcast listening to some brilliant people, and fit some reading in too.  I'm minimizing the consumption of 'news' and social media during the political-games, I'm losing respect for some very naive, or ignorant folks; I'll post my observations and opinions on the political section on this blog, but won't waste my time duking it out with Dunning-Kruger poster-children/imbeciles on social media.  Last presidential election I was in a season of self-inflicted psychosis -- at least 'some' degree of it, I'm not going to put myself in that position again.  Here's to good health... cheers  --  ct
  07-25-24:  readers of this blog -- and some of the other platforms that i publish to -- may appreciate knowing that Composition is one of the classes that i'm taking this fall.  I won't stop writing in my natural vocabulary and structure (which is what i do here), but I'll finally re-learn how to shape my words to fit other people's standards.  Also got an easy 'online learning' class, a philosophy course, and a psych course... i LOVE how the school does the 2x2 semesters, you get two classes for the first part of the semester, and 2 others the second half; i'm sure it's a bit easier than taking four very different courses all at once.  Anyhow, don't expect me to write like an academic from here on out, almost none of it is interesting, and almost none of it is creative... a.k.a. Boooooor-ing  --  ct
  07-12-24: lot's of paper-work these days, lot's of hoops to jump through. starting college at 55 yrs old should be pretty cool, but the road to get there is littered with other people's needs being met. i attended salem state college (now university) in 1994, i was strongly encouraged to begin before i knew i was ready. i withdrew a week or two after the official withdrawal date, so i got a zero-point-zero GPA... not sure why my actions from thirty years ago are relevant for academia, i almost feel like a felon who served their time, and being punished all over again. so i'll probably begin on some probation until i prove my potential to them...
 ... also have to prove to the VA that i understand what i'm getting myself into, and am committed to finishing my goal. i don't have any problem with that, they are footing the bill, and want me to succeed. the VR&E program is an awesome opportunity for veterans--who qualify--to receive training for a profession that suits their capabilities, and it will pay for programs that the old-school GI Bill and Army College Fund would not. the college benefits that i earned by serving would not pay for ANYTHING with a hint of religion, but under this program i can go for a BS in Psych with Christian Counseling emphasis, and possibly a masters with the goal of being a clinical therapist...
 ... i haven't touched the manuscript in about a week, still need to re-write a few paragraphs, and add some footnotes/references... been distracted/occupied by the school stuff, and the rest of my regular life, so it moved to the back-burner, but this weekend shows promise for some quiet time to wrap-up, time will tell...
 ... still frustrated by post-op limitations, they don't want me reaching to grab anything > 2 lbs... yes, seriously, two pounds. the post-op pain is beginning to decrease, now most of the pain is muscle-strain, so maybe i shouldn't be complaining about the two lb. orders. the ends of the bones that were ground aren't quite as sensitive as they were for the first 3 - 4 weeks, and the fluid and inflammation seem to be lessening. the scars are starting to look cool too. mobility/range still need some help, and some of the muscles are exceedingly weak... the frustrating part is being at home, seeing a zillion things that need attention, and being unable to do much about it, i'm used to being a very physical person, and i'm temporarily rendered super-gimpy status...
 ... look, i don't know what your week's been like, but take some time for yourself this weekend... allow yourself some time to heal your body, mind, and soul if necessary; maybe even exercise each of those bodily components... meditate/pray and read some scriptures to exercise your soul... eat some decent whole foods and meat, hydrate, and walk, hike, run, or whatever it is that you can do, do it... consume some new information, and providing that it wasn't sh1t, practice what you learned, figure out how to solve some problems, and solve them... those are simple ways to exercise your H:3 (soul, body, mind). And, if you want a real rewarding weekend, help someone else by exercising your H:3... using what you got to help others is a type of Love, it's a type of ministry, and is great exercise and therapy for the spirit... it's not what you got, but how you use it that matters in the big scheme. Get yourself healthy and make the world a better place in whatever capacity you can, even if it's one little good-deed at a time... God bless -- ct
  07-04-24:  i'm about half way done with the editor's comments, fixin the crap mixed in with the manuscript.  i have to re-write a couple of paragraph-length sentences, and add some citations... nothing really difficult. But now i'm beginning to feel overwhelmed again, starting school at 55 seems like a fool's errand, but it's a goal. i had no plans of starting so quickly, so now i'm chasing down the forms and transcripts that i recently helped my daughter with, trying to meet seemingly impossible deadlines... good grief. i'm skeptical that even with decent credentials i won't fit in anywhere, but schooling was a goal that i'm chasing once again... pray for me, i could use some of that.  cheers  --  ct
Comments - Criticism